Welcome to the Lipedema Link Podcast
July 22, 2023

Living with Advanced Stage Lipedema: A Patient's Journey

Living with Advanced Stage Lipedema: A Patient's Journey

Living with Advanced Stage Lipedema: A Patient's Journey

Lipedema is a chronic disease that causes an abnormal accumulation of fat cells in the legs, thighs, and arms. An estimated 11% of women worldwide suffer from lipedema, yet many struggle for years before receiving an accurate diagnosis.

In this post, we'll look at one lipedema patient's journey to diagnosis and finding treatment options for advanced-stage lipedema.

The Challenges of a Lipedema Diagnosis

Our guest Karen LaVoy shares her story of living with lipedema for years before finally learning about the condition. Like many women with lipedema, Karen dealt with:

  • Easy bruising and tender skin
  • Heavy, disproportionate fat deposits in the hips, thighs, and arms
  • Significant pain and fatigue in the limbs
  • Poor circulation and swelling in the legs
  • Increased difficulty with mobility over time

Despite these textbook lipedema symptoms, doctors repeatedly blamed Karen's weight and encouraged her to simply diet and exercise. This common experience results in countless women suffering from lipedema without proper treatment.

Finally getting an accurate lipedema diagnosis was life-changing. But Karen's diagnostic odyssey shows the need for improved awareness and education on lipedema among medical professionals.

Treatment Options for Advanced Lipedema

Once diagnosed with stage 4 lipedema, Karen consulted with specialists about her treatment options.

Conservative treatments like compression garments, activity, and anti-inflammatory nutrition can help manage lipedema symptoms. But they don't eliminate the abnormal fat cells and prevent progression.

For advanced stage lipedema, Karen learned the only way to remove the diseased fat deposits is through liposuction surgery. She already underwent multiple liposuction procedures on her arms and legs.

Karen reports improved mobility and reduced pain after surgery. Further skin removal procedures will help prevent lipedema returning to treated areas. She stresses the importance of additional skin excision once the fat has been removed.

Living with Lipedema: Karen's Outlook

Despite the physical and emotional challenges of living with lipedema, Karen displays remarkable resilience. She's optimistic about her improvement so far and future treatment plans.

Karen also talks about the reactions and support (or lack thereof) from family. She urges other lipedema patients to disregard doubters who try to blame weight gain. Educating loved ones about the scientific basis of lipedema is crucial.

Her story provides perspective for those at later lipedema stages. And Karen hopes speaking openly will help others recognize symptoms and seek diagnosis sooner. Early detection and proactive treatment remain key to managing lipedema.


Watch Karen's Episode HERE