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Oct. 22, 2023

Conservative Treatments for Lipedema: A PT's Guide to Compression, Exercise, and More

Conservative Treatments for Lipedema: A PT's Guide to Compression, Exercise, and More

Conservative Treatments for Lipedema: A PT's Guide to Compression, Exercise, and More

Get relief from lipedema symptoms with conservative treatments like compression, MLD, vibration therapy, aquatic exercise and more. PT and lipedema warrior Sandra shares her top tips.


Living with lipedema can be incredibly challenging, with symptoms like swelling, fibrosis, and chronic pain impacting daily life. While liposuction is an option for advanced stages, conservative treatments play a crucial role in managing lipedema. From compression garments to aquatic therapy, these non-surgical interventions can provide relief and control progression.

In this post, we’ll explore the top conservative treatments for lipedema based on insights from Sandra, a physical therapist and certified lymphedema specialist. As both a medical professional and lipedema patient herself, Sandra offers a unique dual perspective on what works. She shares her recommendations for compression, manual lymphatic drainage, vibration therapy, exercise, nutrition, and more.

Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been living with lipedema for years, Sandra’s advice can help you find the right conservative treatments to reduce swelling, soften tissue, improve mobility, and decrease pain. Read on for her tips to take control of your lipedema through at-home relief strategies and self-care.

In the podcast, Sandra provides an overview of the standard conservative treatment approaches for lipedema, known as Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) [2:08]. This includes compression, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), exercise, and skin care. She then dives deeper into explaining each element:

Compression [3:01]

Compression bandages, adjustable wraps, and medical-grade garments can help reduce swelling and soften fibrotic tissue. Sandra notes the importance of finding the right compression method for your needs and tolerance level [13:13]. Options like flat knit garments may provide firmer support to manage lipedema changes [16:36].

Assessing Treatment Plans [5:36]

Sandra stresses the value of an initial evaluation by a qualified PT or OT to determine the appropriate treatment approach based on your stage, symptoms, and functional ability [5:36]. This assessment can help guide your at-home maintenance routine.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage [26:14]

MLD uses light, rhythmic motions to stimulate lymph flow and drainage. While often called massage, it involves very gentle tissue manipulation to avoid causing pain [26:46]. MLD encourages fluid movement from distal areas like the feet toward proximal lymph nodes near the hips [30:55].

Exercise and Activity Tips [31:14]

Staying active is key, whether it’s swimming, cycling, hiking or daily tasks like squats while brushing your teeth. Sandra suggests exercise that avoids impact and compression garments during workouts [33:53]. For mobility issues, aquatic therapy provides the benefits of hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy [32:01].

Nutrition and Mental Health [41:15]

An anti-inflammatory diet can help some lipedema patients reduce swelling and discomfort. Sandra also stresses the importance of making self-care and mental health a priority with this chronic condition [45:40].

Community Support [47:37]

Finally, Sandra highlights the invaluable comfort that comes from connecting with other “lipedema warriors.” Finding people who understand your experience makes a big difference [47:52].

Sandra provides a wealth of tips and tricks for living well with lipedema through conservative treatments. Her advice can help you build an effective at-home management routine. What are some of your go-to methods for finding relief from lipedema symptoms?

Living with lipedema presents an array of challenges, but conservative treatments can provide real improvement in swelling, pain, and mobility. As a physical therapist and lipedema patient, Sandra offers invaluable guidance through her recommended therapies like compression, MLD, vibration, aquatic exercise, and more. Her expertise combined with personal experience provides unique insight into the most effective non-surgical options.

Key takeaways include:

  • Seek assessment from a qualified PT or OT to determine the right treatment plan
  • Find the compression garments that provide relief without excessive discomfort
  • Incorporate movement like swimming and stretch breaks throughout your day
  • Make time for self-care physically and mentally
  • Connect with the lipedema community for indispensable support

While lipedema requires lifelong management, Sandra’s advice equips you with the knowledge to take control of your symptoms. Her conservative treatment tips can help you establish an at-home wellness routine tailored to your needs. With the right plan, relief from the daily struggles of lipedema is within reach.

View More information regarding conservative Treatments:  HERE


Fluid Movement Therapy 
Watch Sandra's Episode HERE